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Lead Target Mig7, a pan cancer-specific target

•  This oncofetal gene expression is induced by multiple growth factors and is localized at multiple types of primary tumors, metastatic niche as well as in circulation.

•  Mig7 is not expressed by normal cells and is primate-specific.

•  This cysteine- and lysine-rich protein is embryonic, trophoblast cell- and solid tumor cancer cell-specific.

•  Functional studies demonstrate that it causes epithelial to mesenchyme transition through inducing TWIST expression, carcinoma cell invasion of extracellular matrix, and formation of vessel-like structures in 3D cultures.

•  Mig7 increases membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteases enzyme (MT1-MMP) activity, sustains activity of ERK 1/2, AKT as well as S6 kinase signaling, and increases cleavage to form pro-invasion laminin-332 γ2 chain fragments. These events are required for cancer progression and metastasis.

•  Mig7 polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies significantly inhibit cancer cell invasion and peptide vaccine induces ex vivo cancer cell killing.

•  Novel Mig7 monoclonal antibodies reduce primary tumor size to that of control in endometrial carcinoma nude mouse pilot studies.

Mig7 targeted therapies would likely reduce:


1.  or eliminate unwanted current therapies side effects due because Mig7 expression is specific to cancer cells. 

2.  R&D, regulatory and approval costs because Mig7 is expressed by many types of cancers, 96% of malignant cancers at primary and metastatic sites as well as in circulating cancer cells.

3.  or prevent resistance because Mig7 expression is induced by several key promoters of cancer such as c-Met (HGF), EGF, IGF-1 and Cox-2 activation of their respective tyrosine kinase receptors. It is known that  cancer cells can become resistant to one receptor targeting therapy by using another receptor for growth and invasion.


1. Petty, A. P.; Garman, K. L.; Winn, V. D.; Spidel, C. M.; Lindsey, J. S. Overexpression of Carcinoma and Embryonic Cytotrophoblast Cell-Specific Mig-7 Induces Invasion and Vessel-Like Structure Formation. Am J Pathol 2007, 170, 1763-1780.


2. Petty, A. P.; Wright, S. E.; Rewers-Felkins, K. A.; Yenderrozos, M. A.; Vorderstrasse, B. A.; Lindsey, J. S. Targeting Migration Inducting Gene-7 Inhibits Carcinoma Cell Invasion, Early Primary Tumor Growth, and Stimulates Monocyte Oncolytic Activity. Mol Cancer Ther 2009, 8, 2412-2423.


3. Phillips, T. M.; Lindsey, J. S. Carcinoma Cell-Specific Mig-7: A New Potential Marker for Circulating and Migrating Cancer Cells. Oncology Reports 2005, 13, 37-44.


4. Crouch, S.; Spidel, C. S.; Lindsey, J. S. HGF and Ligation of αvβ5 Integrin Induce a Novel, Cancer Cell-Specific Gene Expression Required for Cell Scattering. Experimental Cell Research 2004, 292, 274-287.


5. Robertson, G. P. Mig-7 Linked to Vasculogenic Mimicry. The American Journal of Pathology 2007, 170, 1454-1456.

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